EdPros Overview

EdPros was co-founded by 15+ year disability resource and accessibility veteran, Ian Kunkes. Throughout his career, Ian connected with colleagues across the country to discuss the shared and all too common pain points of staff turnover, rising caseloads, stagnant or diminishing resources, and lack of access to expertise. It became clear that the field was ready for a new approach to addressing the growing need for exceptional, consistent, and cost-effective support in higher education. Through these many conversations, the idea of EdPros was born; an organization founded by our community, for our community!

EdPros taps into distinguished and experienced professionals with hundreds of years of combined experience through its “Community of Experts”.

Join some of the nation’s top institutions, community college systems, technical schools, private institutions, and independent agencies who are already engaged with EdPros!

Most institutions still follow traditional approaches to staffing, budgets, recruitment, and consulting to meet their professional needs.

Not because they work, but because they are simply “the way things have always been”. Innovative industries outside of higher education, recognize that the operating models of previous decades have become increasingly outdated as traditional approaches to work and organizational/institutional needs have evolved. In higher ed, adherence to these old approaches regularly leads to prolonged vacancies, inefficient allocation of resources, and major gaps in experience and labor. EdPros is a new way forward.